Repetition of obtaining the declaration. Study of motivation. Analysis of the validity of the declaration. Study of the reality of the declaration. Intermediate reliability analysis. Measurement of the clinical consequences of traumatic events. Evaluation of the declaration of the actors involved. Analysis of the psychological characteristics of the actors involved. Implications of the presentation of the report. Along with the above, another specific method in cases of gender violence is the review of the guide for the evaluation of testimony in gender violence (gat-vig-r) ,
developed by psychologists from the department of justice of catalonia within its protocols of psychological expertise in gender violence . The key aspect of this test is that it includes the power asymmetry variable . Thanks to this variable, it is possible to discern, from a credible account, between situations of violence due to daily conflicts or due whatsapp number list to the asymmetry of power characteristic of gender violence. Last conclusions the evaluation of the credibility of the testimony is an important part of the psychological expertise in gender violence, taking into account the great weight that must be given to the testimony of the victim in these cases.
On the other hand, we have also seen that the number of false complaints is quite small in relation to the total cases. We cannot lose sight of the problem on which we must intervene. Unfortunately, gender violence is still a current evil. Efforts must not only be dedicated at the legal level to protect the innocent and, above all, the victims, but also education and awareness must be influenced. If you want to continue reading about gender issues, here is a series of very interesting articles: human trafficking, consumption, domination and dehumanization. Analyzing the gender